Unbeliebable: 33-year-old Bieber fanatic has $100k of plastic surgery to look like his idol

A 33-year-old man has spent five years and $100,000 in an effort to look like his hero - teenaged pop idol Justin Bieber.
Toby Sheldon is a songwriter from Los Angeles who has used Bieber's youthful features as the inspiration for numerous surgeries, including face fillers, a chin reduction and eyelid surgery.
Sheldon's obsession with his appearance began when he started having treatments to prevent his hair thinning at the age of 23, but really took off when a pre-pubescent Justin Bieber hit the big-time in 2008.
Write caption here
Toby Sheldon - Justin Bieber Look-A-Like\nBefore plastic surgery\n2003 - Age 23
Toby Sheldon - Justin Bieber Look-A-Like\n2013 - Age 33
Face time: A fresh-faced Toby Sheldon 10 years ago (left); and now (right) after $100,000 of surgery to look like Justin Bieber
Sheldon, along with hordes of preteen girls, became enamored of the pop star.
'Once Justin shot to fame his face was everywhere and I all I kept thinking when I saw his picture was, "I want to look like him,"' Sheldon says. 
Sheldon had already spent $8,000 on hair transplants to supplement his thinning blond locks, but he wasn't happy with the results.

Mesothelioma Law Firm

Mesothelioma Law Firm

Mesothelioma (or, more precisely, malignant mesothelioma) is a rare form of cancer that develops from cells of the mesothelium, the protective lining that covers many of the internal organs of the body. Mesothelioma is most commonly caused by exposure to asbestos. The most common anatomical site for mesothelioma is the pleura (the outer lining of the lungs and internal chest wall), but it can also arise in the peritoneum (the lining of the abdominal cavity), the pericardium (the sac thMesotheliomaCT.jpgat surrounds the heart)] or the tunica vaginalis (a sac that surrounds the testis).
Most people who develop mesothelioma have worked in jobs where they inhaled or ingested asbestos fibers, or were exposed to airborne asbestos dust and fibers in other ways. Washing clothes of a family member who worked with asbestos also creates a risk for developing mesothelioma.Unlike lung cancer, there seems to be no association between mesothelioma and tobacco smoking, but smoking greatly increases the risk of other asbestos-induced cancers.[
Signs and symptoms of mesothelioma include shortness of breath due to pleural effusion (fluid between the lung and the chest wall), chest wall pain and constitutional signs such as unexplained weight loss. The diagnosis may be suspected based on chest X-ray and CT scan finut must be confirmed either by examining serous effusion cytology or with a biopsy (removing a sample of the suspicious tissue). A thoracoscopy (inserting a tube with a camera into the chest) can be used to acquire biopsy material, and allows the introduction of substances such as talc to obliterate the pleural space (a procedure called pleurodesis), preventing more fluid from accumulating and pressing on the lung. Despite treatment withchemotherapy, radiation therapy or sometimes surgery, mesothelioma carries a poor prognosis. Research about screening tests for the early detection of mesothelioma is ongoing.

Pregnant Woman Hits Belly With Hammer as Part of a Sick Boast

A HEAVILY pregnant woman has been caught on camera hitting her baby bump with a hammer to prove how 'hard' her unborn child is.
Heather Thorpe, 24, was filmed by her former partner, Sean Hanlon, striking herself with the claw hammer around a monbelly hammerth before giving birth to her son, Jonathon.
But when Mr Hanlon, 26, showed the video to police, officers refused to press charges, insisting no offence had been committed.
Yesterday Mr Hanlon said he was appalled at the decision, adding: "If there was a film of someone hitting a baby with a hammer they would be in handcuffs in 10 seconds flat." Mr Hanlon shot the five-second video in the couple's living room in October last year, just weeks before Miss Thorpe's due date.

Risked his life to save the "Xbox"

A male from Kansas came out of the house when it caught fire had, but went back inside to rescue 'Xbox-in'.
ABC15 Television reported that he had fled from the house of flames, but then remembered that he had forgotten in his video game, so to get back.
His action has been successful, but had to be given medical assistance due to smoke.
The fire caused damage of $ 80,000, however he saved 'Xbox'.

Neymar is Smoking Weed .

Here is the Proof that Neymar is smoking weed . Believe it or not , but this is true .
My opinion is that Football players shouldnt smoke . That is because the get tired very fast and they damage their body . This news is for my vistors .
As we know he has been caught smoking in Spain .

Venus Flower Basket Sponge Will Blow Your Mind

David Attenborough has seen nature at its most beautiful, and most brutal, its most simple and most complex. So what really impresses him? According to a Q &A on Reddit, the Venus Flower Basket Sponge pretty much blows his mind. And it will blow your mind, too. Go to 54:30 -

Conjoined Whales Thrived For Years

We still know so little about life beneath our oceans that conjoined whales may be more common than we think. This one grew to 4 metres before dying near the Baja Peninsula, so they clearly managed to survive for many years.

Ice Balls!

Ice balls, or ice boulders, a fascinating natural phenom recorded during the US Polar Vortex last week:

The incredible basketball sized - and bigger - 'ice balls' have been captured on film at Glen Arbor Township, Michigan, were they  cover the entire shoreline.

Despite appearing as unnatural creations, the boulders are a regular feature of Lake Michigan when temperatures drop below freezing, and are formed by ice clumping together in a similar way to snowballs.

Meteorologist Joe Charlevoix explains: "[When] the water temperature on the Lake Michigan is just a little bit below freezing, so you get a small piece of ice that forms in the water and as waves move back and forth it adds additional water and freezes in layers.

"It gets bigger and bigger, and eventually you get big balls of ice, that are pushed to the shore by the wind."

Coke and Coffee

As in Coca Cola, not cocaine, you scumbag.
A few years ago, Coke released a coffee-flavoured brand of cola: Coca-Cola BlāK. For the weeks between being released and being executed by an angry mob of tastebuds, I drank it as much as possible. I don’t like pop to begin with, so it was at least an improvement. I mourned its loss for years, until today, when I had the brilliant revelation that coffee and Coke are both readily available.
Putting Coffee in Coke:
I went with about 2/3 Coke and 1/3 coffee, over ice, in a Crown Royal glass for some reason.
This is not bad. Not all that different from how I remember BläK tasting. It’s hard to get over the feeling that you’re drinking two things at once rather than a single drink, but I could get used to it.
It does get watered down due to the ice required to keep it cold. What if I could combine the flavours without that pesky coldness? Which leads to…
Putting Coke in Coffee:
I decided to take it all the way and prepare hot coffee with cream and sweetener before adding about 1/4 of a mug Coke.
This is … more interesting. The Coke and the sweetener engaged in some kind of audible chemical reaction that sounded like a bomb about to go off, then formed a froth of pure sweetness on top of the coffee. The froth tasted pretty good, but the coffee itself just took on the flavour of flat, bitter Coke.
Some people are really into Coke (my girlfriend drinks more of it than I drink coffee), but I just don’t get it. It’s a brown liquid of nonspecific flavour, with bubbles added so that every sip is an IOU for a burp or a fart. I tried to let it hang with coffee, but I’d rather the Coke just kept its noseout of it.

Looking for the aliens among us

One would think that as popular science publications overflow with serious musings about what actual aliens might look like and what their bio-chemical compositions might be, the modern myth of human/alien hybrids walking among us would be discarded even by the most ardent ufologists. And one would be wrong. At least one follower of the ancient astronaut theory, Lloyd Pye, is determined to prove that aliens and humans knew each other in a very intimate way and he thinks he has the direct, physical evidence to convince scientists.
alien girl
That evidence is a 900 year old skull of a young boy he calls the Starchild. Found in Mexico during the 1930s, it’s an odd artifact with an abnormally large space for a brain, shallow eye sockets with oval orbits, and canals for the optic nerves situated in the wrong place. According to Pye, it looks like the result of a Gray alien and a human creating a hybrid and he’s submitted the skull for DNA testing several times to prove that there may be some traces of an extraterrestrial lineage somewhere in its genome. So far, the scientists who’ve tested the sample confirmed that the child’s mother was definitely human. From the father’s side, things are rather fuzzy at best so Pye is using that ambiguity to argue that the child’s dad could very well be an alien.
Of course just because we haven’t been able to determine a genetic profile of the father doesn’t mean that we need to set our sights on Zeta Riticuli. But as most skeptics know, when it comes to pseudoscience, negative evidence carries the same weight to believers as any tangible proof. This is why rather than provide a serious explanation for any of the mysteries of the skull, Pyesimply exaggerates them and keeps reminding us that it looks an awful lot like the head of a Gray if you squint hard enough. He also dodges the question of how alien genomes would resemble our own closely enough for producion of viable offspring and how we could detect some trace of genetic manipulation by an advanced extraterrestrial species. In other words, Pye doesn’t even know what he’s trying to find other than validation for his ideas.
You see, some proponents of the ancient astronaut theory need a little something extra to their science to get that feeling of uniqueness, significance and companionship that most religious beliefs try to offer. They’re too skeptical about a traditional deity and so they embrace the idea of alien overlords because alien life is at least scientifically plausible. When something in human history gives them pause, they use alien influence to craft an answer for themselves. How did apes mutate into intelligent humans? Genetic “upgrade” from aliens who were experimenting with our biosphere at the time. How did we go from cave dwellers to residents of vast city states that were the seeds of empires? Extraterrestrial guidance. For every mystery or gap in their knowledge, there’s a wide variety of alien tales to choose from, many of which combine ancient fiction or New Age beliefs into complex mythologies. For them, it makes being human a lot more exciting.
This is why a strange skull which can be a handy Rorschach test for skeptics and believers alike isn’t just an interesting way to make money and gain publicity for Pye and his fans. It’s something to hold on to almost like a religious relic. And because it’s seems like the proof they’ve been seeking all these years, they insist that its abnormalities aren’t abnormalities at all and that no doctor can classify them as human disorders, even if the tentative expert conclusion is that the skull represents a rare and severe case of brachycephaly. It’s just one of those beliefs that’s too spectacular to let go without a fight.

Why is global warming so cold, redux .

For those of us in the Northern hemisphere, it’s been cold. Really cold, just like it was last year. And the cold is making global warming denialists and agnostics wonder once again how it could possibly be freezing and snowing in the middle of winter as witnessed by the deniers’ visceral reaction to a December blizzard and a whole lot of Google searches on why it’s cold as the planet is warming up registering on my dashboard. While it’s rather odd to point out that the middle of winter in areas which have been getting snow and ice over the last few tens of millions of years would be cold in late December and early January, it seems that it has to be done again, especially as verbal knives get sharpened for another attack on scientists and environmental activists.
As noted a few times already, the issue of global warming is a more a political game than a scientific inquiry at this point, which is why we had the Climategate uproar and New World Order conspiracy theories on the part of the denialists and the tale of a sinister geo-engineering plotfrom environmentalists. And as politics is defining the issue and what to do about it, many of the participants in the debate seem to be losing their ability and will to talk about global warming rationally, so much so that snowfall in the middle of winter is now some sort of proof that the planet can’t possibly be warming up by several degrees over the course of a century. Isn’t it obvious that winter weather in Northern climates should be cold and that a single year is not enough data to make projections of our planet’s climate dynamics over the next few hundred years? But nevertheless, media agencies are more than happy to make predictions about what an unusually hot or cold week says about the planet’s climate and unleashing zealots from both sides of the debate since that’s what drives ratings.
Believe it or not, global warming that scientists consider to be taking place is not going to turn the planet into a barren desert and the Earth isn’t going to be tropical from pole to pole as it was once upon a time. Instead, it’s going to get five to six degrees warmer and require a bit of hard work to adapt to the changing conditions. How do we know the warming isn’t just a part of the natural cycle? After taking a look at ice cores from the Arctic, we clearly see a sudden spike in carbon dioxide and an increase in global temperatures as the Industrial Age got underway. Of course it takes time for higher concentrations of greenhouse gases to alter the climate while the heat builds up and highly energetic global patterns start changing. This is why the warming was slow and steady for the last century and is projected to accelerate over the upcoming one. And this is where we have an enormous problem in communicating the issue to the public thanks togloom and doom from environmental groups who want to create instant changes by force and regulation instead of accepting the fact that the trillion dollar infrastructure project they have in mind won’t be accomplished overnight or even a few decades.
This is when global warming denialists target an impractical and inefficient solution and weave into all sort of conspiracy theories, channeling their distaste for green activists, liberal groups, regulation and governments, and wielding aggressive mantras in reply to any call to clean up our act for a better future. They believe that a greener, cleaner world will emerge all by itself from the goodwill of benevolent markets and corporations who only have our best interests in mind because when they fail to do the right thing, we send them into ruin. And then they say environmentalists are naive and think too highly of government intervention, while they talk about allowing nature to take it’s course as they fill the skies with greenhouse gases and burn fossil fuels with wild abandon. Just as nature intended apparently…

Why tech companies can’t prevent censorship ?

censorship ad
Policy wonks, like most people, tend to think of IT as a magical black box which takes requests, does something, and makes their computers do what they want, or at least somewhat close to it. And so it’s not really surprising to see Ronan Farrow and Shamila Chaudhary rail against major cybersecurity companies for enabling dictators to block internet content at Foreign Policy, with allegations that show how poorly they understand what these companies do and how virtually all of the products they make work. You see, blaming a tech company for censorship is kind of like blaming a car manufacturer for drunk drivers. Certainly their tools are intended to block content but they’re not designed to filter all undesirables from a centralized location to which a dictator can submit a request. They’re meant to analyze and block traffic coming from malicious sources to prevent malware and any time you can analyze and stop traffic, you can abuse the ability and start blocking legitimate sites just because you don’t like them or the people who run them.
Most of the software they cited is meant to secure corporate networks and if they no longer get to stop or scan data, they’re pretty much useless because they can’t do threat identification or mitigation. WebSense does filter content and uses a centralized database cluster to push how it classifies sites to its customers so, as Farrow and Chaudhary noted, it was able to change up a few things to help mitigate its abuse by authoritarians. But McAffee and others are in a tougher spot because they’ve simply sold a software license to network admins. Other than virus and bot net definitions, there’s not much they can control from a central location, and trying to shame a company for selling tools made for something entirely different puts them in a position in which it would be very hard to defend their actions to someone convinced that they can just flip a switch and end the digital reign of tyranny across the world. And its even worse when the first reactions to articles about the abuse of their wares blame them for just being greedy.
On top of that, it’s not exactly hard to write your own filters and deep packet inspection tools. It’s just difficult to scale them for millions of users but it’s nothing out of the authoritarians reach. As they spend billions on security and control, surely they could divert a couple of million to build a capable system of their own. In fact, the Great Firewall of China is mostly home-grown and uses the country’s ISPs to scan incoming and outgoing traffic on a daily basis to find what to block. It sounds like a powerful indictment to point out that the Chinese use Cisco routers in their system, but it’s not as if they outsourced the task of pinging and blocking Tor nodes to the company. To be perfectly fair in charging tech companies in aiding and abetting censorship, you’d have to be talking about search engines that agree to modify their functionality to get a toehold in markets ruled over by authoritarians who will get someone to censor searches if not the company which was trying to expand. Bottom line: dictators will find a way to censor what they want to censor. If they use network monitoring security tools to do it, the blame still rests with them.

Cake Desings Photos

Here are the pictures of some of the yummy and mouth watering cakes. just take a look at these cakes photos below..................am sure you'll be hungry !!

Photos Of Yummy Chocolate Cake

Photos Of Yummy Chocolate Cake

Yummy Cheese Cake Photo

Yummy Cheese Cake Photo

Photos of Cup Cake Designs

Photos of Cup Cake Designs

Delicious Cakes for Weddings and Birthday

Delicious Cakes for Weddings and Birthday

SQUBA - Worlds First Swimming Car

take a look at this unusual car. Its, said to be, the world's first swimming car. Isn't it unusual. Take a look guyzz!!!

SQUBA - World's First Swimming Car

SQUBA - World's First Swimming Car
Believe or Not! This is a Swimming Car

Believe or Not! This is a Swimming Car
Take a look at the Floating Car

Take a look at the Floating Car
After all, Its SQUBA - The Swimming Car

After all, Its SQUBA - The Swimming Car
Ever seen such an Unusual Car Floating and Swimming in Water

Ever seen such an Unusual Car Floating and Swimming in Water

Ladies Designer Handbags

Amazing Photos Of Designer Ladies Handbags and Purses. Take a look at these new stylish and trendy handbags for ladies.

Keyboard Styled Ladies Handbags

Keyboard Styled Ladies Handbags

Mummy Designer Handbags for Girls

Mummy Designer Handbags for Girls

Stylish Trendy Guitar Designer Ladies Handbags and Purses

Stylish Trendy Guitar Designer Ladies Handbags and Purses

Bullfrog Served ALIVE at Japanese Restaurant

A video shot in Japan recently went viral after it showed a bullfrog served in a Japanese restaurant still blinking and twitching on the plate, after being skinned alive and cut into pieces.

This is definitely one of the most disgusting things I have ever seen. Singaporean website STOMP recently released a series of photos and a video shot in a Japanese restaurant where apparently people like to eat bullfrogs while they’re still alive. The video shows a customer going into the restaurant and how the cook there simply picks up a big frog, sticks a knife in it, removes all its inedible innards and skins it alive. Then the focus moves on the smiling customers who enjoys a healthy serving of bullfrog sashimi while the animal is looking at her from her plate, blinking and twitching… That doesn’t seem to bother the young woman much, as she even gives the thumb-up sign for the quality of the dish.

I have no problem with people eating raw food, or even frogs, but eating pieces of them while their technically still living just makes my skin crawl. I don’t know if this qualifies as animal cruelty, just plain disgusting, or both, but it’s definitely not right. Although some have argued that in the wild animals are eaten alive every day, I don’t think comparing humans to animals makes very much sense…

I didn’t post the video here, as it’s pretty disturbing, but if you want to see the bullfrog literally eaten alive, check outthe original article.